Last Updated on 01/04/2021
With an unmatchable knowledge resource base, we can provide you the best results, in time. Quality is the essence of all aspects of our operations, from the selection of consultants to the project management. We work only with carefully handpicked professionals, who are specialized in their domain. In-order to serve the latest and the best solutions to our clients, we constantly upgrade ourselves to the latest and the most appropriate technology available in the industry.
High quality translation services by industry experts, experienced native speakers for any Asian Languagein general and Indic languages in particular.
Timely Delivery and a responsive project management team are our time tested USPs. Our quality assurance is ISO 9001 certified.
Validation Services
We provide accurate translations which are conceptually and culturally equivalent to source translations. We have an ISO 9001 certified process for linguistic validation services.
We translate COAs and eCOAs including PROs, ClinROs, ObsROs, Abstracts, Mauscripts, Patient Diaries, ICFs, CRFs, Study documents, Medical articles and manuals, list of drugs, user guides, patient visit dosing guides, statutory reports etc.
We recruit subjects for linguistic validation and can provide audio recorded reports and extensive assessments for all languages.
L10N services
We provide adaptation services for your products, applications and document-contents to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market.
I18N services
We provide support for design and development of products, applications or document-contents to enable easy localization for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language.
Language Quality Management Services
We provide fresh eye reviews to check style guide and glossary adherence. We also provide error severity analytics and linguistic standardization guidelines.
Linguistic Screening Services
We provide assessment services for your market sensitive data in terms of cultural, conceptual and analytical errors. We can conduct title checking surveys.
Translatability Assessments
In collaboration with developers and writers, we can provide assessment for cross cultural appropriateness and relevance of your content, product or applications.
Transcribing Solutions
Our team of experts can provide accurate and affordable audio and video transcriptions at a very reasonable price.
Highly trained and experienced transcription professionals review the work to ensure highly accurate transcriptions.
Transcreation Solutions
Our transcreation team is aware that understanding the cultural nuances of the target region and adapting your message to your target audience is crucial. We ensure that the intended impact and emotion of your message is not lost in translation.
Subtitling Solutions
We offer real time subtitling and pre-recorded subtitling for broadcasting, non-broadcasting and entertainment industries. With a reliable team of professional translators in all Indic languages, we offer efficient subtitling service within an affordable price range.
Formatting and DTP solutions
Our Desktop Publishing team will work with you to create customized layouts that capture your brand values and make sure that they meet the needs of your clients globally.
MT and TM solutions
By integrating human translators with the utilization of CAT tools, we can produce consistent, culturally-appropriate translations customized for various circumstances and business sectors.
For your future projects, we can create a Translation Memory (TM) for each language for a later date access.
We see subtitles everyday, most commonly on small and large screens. Subtitling services involves display of text versions of the audio dialogues. Subtitles are essentially a feature that appears at the bottom of the screen and could be loosely termed as the storyline of the presentation. Hearing impaired or deaf audience has no other recourse but to rely on subtitling.
While most competent translators can provide a literal translation into the desired language, our subtitle translators understand that their job is not just to translate, but to 'localize'. And most importantly, our focus is always on client service & convenience.
High quality translation services by industry experts, experienced native speakers for any Asian Languagein general and Indic languages in particular.
Timely Delivery and a responsive project management team are our time tested USPs. Our quality assurance is ISO 9001 certified.
Transcribing Solutions
Our team of experts can provide accurate and affordable audio and video transcriptions at a very reasonable price.
Highly trained and experienced transcription professionals review the work to ensure highly accurate transcriptions.
Time Coding
Time Coding for media files is an act of adding time references to audio or video content, it refers to gathering actual timing information as well. Time-codes are always frame accurate, that is to say, they also contain frames or milliseconds, and follow a particular format.
Our service for the industry includes transcription for documentary films, interviews, television, talk shows, podcasts, and also reality TV shows etc.
Based on customer requests for transcriptions, we can insert a visible time code.
Subtitling QC
Quality control (QC) is central to translation practice, as is translation revision or proof reading in other words, which, today, is increasingly seen as an integral part of quality monitoring. The ultimate output of processes is to deliver a quality product by our end.
Creative content Development
We are innovative content providers. We can keep your websites fresh and engaging, your social media encounters fruitful and your newsletters absorbing.
Technical Writing
We provide information-management services to the IT industry. We can take on any part of the documentation process or provide a complete end-to-end solution.
We are equipped to work with all documentation formats, including printed manuals, online documentation files, website content, online help systems, and other state-of-the-art deliverables.
Script writing
Visual media has to be captivating and dynamic. If you have got only a few seconds to get your point across, you cannot afford to waste a single frame due to a poorly written script.
Our team of script writers can work with you to create a powerful concept with an apt tone, and excellent craftsmanship.
e-learning module development
e-learning module design has a creative aspect as well as a mechanical aspect. We follow a proactive process that will involve you to build an effective course concept that addresses your business challenges. We develop rich and engaging learning experiences that satisfy your needs.
Web content development
Good web content needs to work hand-in-hand with the websites visual appearance to make it user friendly. To evolve your website into an effective communication tool, you need to strategically develop content that is smart and written in a tone that enhances your brand.
We can help you create a fresh content or even edit the existing content to accomplish your goals.
News Content Development
Developing News content in proper context specifically for your targeted audience is a skill. We have a team of innovative, hard working and Creative people working in media since last 30 years.
Some of us were the first to sense the changing phase of News Industry with the progress of IT industry. We can develop quality news content for your news site/portal.
Content L10N and I18N services
Our tools and technology make the linguistic validation process more efficient by automating processes whenever possible, which saves time, money and resources.
From internationalization consulting to deployment strategies to multilingual testing, we will implement the right tools and custom workflows that meet the language and service needs of our clients.
Equipped with the latest technology, our expert team of native speaking human translators, editors and proofreaders, quality assurance testers, localization and globalization engineers, web specialists and project managers work together to produce consistent, high-quality results.
We can also provide efficient language solutions for HHDs (hand held devices).
Back office support Services
We provide tailored data strategy, solutions, services designed to solve complex business requirements.
We help you focus on your core competencies, without being burdened by non-core processes. We combine our complex analysis, transitioning and integration expertise and recognized high-quality delivery to manage end-to-end, high-value results for you.
Website Development
Success in a business is predominantly dependant on the effectiveness of its communication with its clients. We provide advanced and strategic Web Development Solutions with the help of highly sophisticated technology.
Our deep understanding about business process and expertise on technologies allow us to develop web solutions that enable organizations to reduce time to market, get closer to their customers.
Customized UI Development
We provide a spectrum of custom web application development services (dynamic and interactive).
We understand that each organization has its own special needs and build a customized solution.
Our services include consultation, development, application migration, security, deployment and maintenance. We have a well-qualified team with experience in diverse technologies.
Apps Development
If you are looking for a team to support your mobile application development project, you are at the right place. We offer cutting-edge research, development, and mobile application design to match your requirements.
We provide quality assurance and see that your project is done to your complete satisfaction.
In country content development
If your company is doing business across the globe, everyone in your company needs to understand the importance of localization, translation, and in-country review. They need to think about your global customers first.
Cross cultural investigations of the content or developing a content in the target country is crucial in current day business. We can provide you region specific, culturally appropriate content for your business communication.
Transcreation services
It is not just what you say, it is how you say it. Transcreation is the process of adapting material for a given target instead of translating it mechanically.
This process includes copywriting, image selection, font changes, and other transformations that ensure relevance for your global audience.
International SEO
By helping to index your page to your target population, we can ensure that there is no unnecessary spillage.
Using target specific language and carrying out a proper on page analysis, we see that your reach out attempts are logical.
To be able to rank well in a specific search engine country index, one needs to generate links from that country, in their particular language. This might be obvious, but often doesn’t happen. This is where we can chip in.
Pay per click Advt placing
Pay-per-click marketing is a way of using search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website, instead of getting them organically.
Every time your ad is clicked, sending a visitor to your website, you pay the search engine a small fee When your PPC campaign is well-designed and running smoothly, that fee will be worth it.
Social Media communication
We provide strategic and tactical social media support. We make sure that your online story delivers business results. Our digital team specialises in delivering creative online programmes.
We work with you to help your organisation achieve its business objectives either through integrated public relations and management consultancy programmes, or through pure-digital programmes.
We are fully integrated across all expertise areas across the business with measurable results.
Audio/Video Recordings
We are your one-stop shop for all your audio and visual needs. We have a tremendous network of talented and professionals who care about doing a great job.
Data Analytics
We provide Advisory services based on proven, repeatable methodologies that provide unbiased vendor-neutral recommendations.
We help you define a Big Data strategy and select appropriate technologies and vendors based on your requirements and budget.
Brand Screening
Coming up with good brand names is not good enough. Names must play to prevailing social, economic, and political trends while simultaneously looking years ahead. They must also work across multiple media platforms, not infringe on existing trademarks, and avoid linguistic howlers in an increasingly global marketplace.
For these reasons and more, hiring a professional naming company with an established track record is one of the best business investments you can make.
To help you craft an expressive and credible name that takes into account all these things, we have developed a time-tested process that allows us to toggle quickly between research, strategy, and creative execution.
e-learning module development
We deliver custom Web Based Training (WBT) solutions, e-learning solutions and Computer Based Training Solutions to meet your requirements. We can develop training modules for Smart Devices to suit your requirement.
We provide online learning solutions, online tests, technical documentation, interactive simulations, and corporate presentations. We can help to empower your audiences, employees, sales force, suppliers, associates, dealers and investors.